Music, USA

Arlo Guthrie plays Alice’s Restaurant

Arlo Guthrie

Arlo Guthrie

He sits on a chair and for 16 minutes he plays his legendary tune. This is classic.

The one thing no one can deny is that the music from the 60’s and 70’s is legendary.

Arlo Guthrie in concert


It is to my detriment that I just missed this period in music history; I was just too young and naive to notice the changing world around me.

In my corner of Southern Africa all I knew was soccer and detective novels.

Music? There was always AM radio!

Do you listen to music of the legends?

Name a few of your favourite songs or bands or individual artists.

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About Sidney Winston

South African expat. Canadian citizen. 1956-1976 Cape Town 1977 Jerusalem 1978-1979 Tel Aviv 1980 -Present Canada
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